The High Roller - Pen, Stationery, DIY & Lifestyle Blog — Safe

Celebrate with Confetti Firecrackers

4th of July Arts Celebration Confetti Crafts DIY Family Firecrackers Handmade Independence Day Indoors Kids Safe Safety

Celebrate with Confetti Firecrackers

What’s a summer without fireworks? They light up the night during times of celebration, especially on Independence Day, and create lasting memories for young and old alike. But what if you could bring the fun of fireworks indoors without the pyrotechnics? You can with these confetti firecrackers!   Materials Paper towel cardboard tube Scissors Decorative paper Colorful card stock Hot glue gun/glue Plastic water bottle cap String Rubber band Paper clips Tape Confetti Directions: Cut a paper towel tube in half. Put the one half aside for now, and cut the remaining half down its side so that it creates...

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Fourth of July Pet Safety

4th of July Animals Fireworks ID Independence Day Pets Safe Safety Tips Vet

Fourth of July Pet Safety

The 4th of July is one of the most exciting holidays of the year, with picnics, fireworks, and plenty of delicious food. Though this beloved occasion is a blast for Americans, our pets might not find the loud noises associated with the day quite as fun. If your pet is one of many affected by the fireworks displays and firecrackers, follow these tips to keep them safe and content.     Test for the quietest area of your home Look around your house for a relatively quiet place to keep your pet during the fireworks display. Make sure the spot is...

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